Family Secrets: What you need to know to build a strong Christian family
by Gladys M. Hunt.
Published by Servant Books, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
1985 revised edition. Softcover, 96 pp.
Though this is a slender volume, it is not just another self-help manual on marriage and the family. It is thoughtful and engaging, written to help build strong and meaningful relationships within the home. "Family life", writes Hunt, "involves praying and disciplining. It involves asking for wisdom beyond our own. It demands personal integrity of life and the unfailing expectation of this in our children. To lay claim to being a Christian family is an awesome responsibility and a great privilege." In concise form Hunt lets the light of Scripture fall on the essential truths pertaining to the subject matter. The questions at the conclusion of each chapter serve to stimulate thinking about significant areas of family living.
This book can be used profitably for premarital counsel-ing literature, or for group or family study.
Johan D. Tangelder