Let the Earth Rejoice:
A Biblical Theology of Holistic Mission
by William Dymess;Crossway Books,
Westchester, Hi., 1983; paperback, 216 pages;
Is there a political and social dimension to mission and evangelism? Is there any relation between Christian hope and human hopes and aspirations? What is the distinction between the evangelistic and cultural mandate? Dyrness attempts to answer these questions in his essay on biblical theology and holistic mission. In doing so he uses the "dramatic approach." God is active from creation to consummation. The drama is the kingdom of God, which is "God's dynamic rule leading to the salvation of His people and the restoration of the created order." The drama is presented in five acts: Creation (and its implications for missions), Exodus (the deliverance of God's people), Exile (the prophets as missionaries), Christ (preaching the kingdom), and Consummation (the end goal of creation).
Mission lies at the very core of theology-within the character and action of God Himself. God intervenes in history. God is not content just to change individuals. Mission is more than plucking souls out of the fire. It has implications for both creation and all nations. We may not leave societal structures to themselves.
This study by Dyrness is a persuasive apology for a holistic, word and deed, mission approach. It is a thoroughly and inspiring scriptural study of mission, which will benefit all who are engaged in evangelism, mission, relief or development work.
Johan D. Tangelder