Lord of the Saved.Getting to the Heart of the Lordship Debate
by Kenneth L-Gentry,Jr.;
Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, P.O. Box 817, Phillipsburg,
New Jersey.1992,Softcover, pp.l04.
The debate over the lordship of Christ may sound quaint to the Calvinist but it is a crucial issue In evangelical circles. "The non-lordship view of the gospel message is by far the popular one today. Its message tends to " easy believism" and " cheap grace." The non-lordship proponents present Christ as Saviour by faith without having to accept Him as Lord of life. They see repentance from sin as absolutely unnecessary for receiving salvation in Christ. One of them wrote, "There is a vast difference between being saved and being a disciple." A Christian may or may not choose to make Jesus the Lord of his life.
Is it possible to know Jesus as Saviour but not as Lord? This question is at the heart of Gentry's book. He responds by carefully examining what the Scriptures say about faith, salvation, repentance, discipleship and the Lordship of Christ. And he clearly demonstrates that Christ comes into the heart of the believer as Lord and Master. The believer becomes a disciple of Christ. He enters into a new relationship with Him. If this is not preached, the gospel is distorted. A non-lordship Gospel presentation drives many to a merely psychological or emotional conversion.
Gentry hopes that his small book may be helpful in the debate and that it will encourage a better grasp of the doctrine of salvation and its implications for all of life. Christ the Saviour is none other than the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. We are redeemed from sin by Christ for Kingdom service.
This concise and scholarly work gives a fair presentation of the non-lordship view and its impact upon the evangelical world. Gentry's rebuttal is a clear and precise statement of Christ's Lordship.
His thoroughly Reformed book is a valuable contribution to today's discussion on the presentation of the Gospel to people steeped in a secular consumer's mindset.
Johan D.Tangelder