Reformed Reflections

From the Pastor's Desk 1980-1989


As God's people we meet the Lord in our communal worship. We sing, pray and listen together to the proclamation of the Word. Money is also given. Why do we have offerings as a part of worship? Should we not forget about money on Sunday? Are collections not a necessary evil? I am sure that few among us would advocate abolishing the offerings. Church members would put their gifts into offering "blocks" in the vestibule. This may be practical, but it is not a Scriptural ideal. When church life is healthy, we commit ourselves to its financial support. The taking up of the collection forms a meaningful part of the official worship service. How the money is collected is another matter. Whether we use plates, collection bags that are passed from one to another, or a bag attached to a pole, the act of giving is important.

May we speak about money and worship in one breath? Scripture speaks clearly and concisely on this topic. The Lord said to Israel: "You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He Who is giving you power to make wealth" (Deut. 7:17,18). Material things were blessings from the Lord but also responsibilities.

Why do we have offerings as a part of worship? I believe that the Lord maintains His church spiritually as well as materially. But the Lord does not use angels but people for the maintaining and upholding of His church. I believe that whatever we have has been received from the Lord. We are only stewards of what God has put into our care. Through our offerings we confess that we try to practice responsible and joyful stewardship before the Lord. So on each Lord's Day we worship the Lord through our offering. We give Thee but Thine own, Whatever the gift may be; All that we have is Thine alone, A trust, 0 Lord, from Thee (Psalter Hymnal # 482:1).